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Updated: Feb 22, 2023

1. Objects and methods of research

Study with the aim of optimizing fertilizer efficiency and yields of rice using NutriCharge and EZ-N nitrogen stabilizer with phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers. The study was conducted at a government sponsored rice institute.

Soil test:

  • Organic Matter - 3.2-3.8%;

  • Total Nitrogen - 0.21-0.34%,

  • Total Phosphorus- 0.23%,

  • Total Potassium - 0.91%,

  • pH- 6.7-7.8,

Rice variety Nautilus, mid-season variety (vegetation period 113-115 days), moderately resistant to blast and shedding, plant height 90-100 cm, panicle 17-18 cm long, caryopses rounded.

Quality of cereals: weight of 1000 grains - 28-29 g, glassiness 96-98%, the total yield of cereals is 71-72%, the whole kernel in cereals is 85-90%.

Researched Products - NutriCharge and EZ-N

Experimental plots:

  1. 12-52-0 + Urea (main);

  2. 12-52-0 with NutriCharge 0.5 GAL/TON (main) + Urea with EZ-N (33 OZ/TON) (main);

  3. 12-52-0 (main) + Urea (main) + Urea (top dressing);

  4. 12-52-0 with NutriCharge 0.5 GAL/TON (main) + Urea (main) +Urea (top dressing);

  5. 12-52-0 with NutriCharge 0.5 GAL.TON + Urea with EZ-N (33oz/ton) (main) + Urea with EZ-N (33oz/ton) (top dressing).


Plot size-1000 sq. ft .

The introduction of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers is carried out following standard grower practice: nitrogen (urea) 200 lb./acre, phosphorus (12-52) 90 lb./acre.

Fertilization timing:

  • Before sowing (main) - May 03

  • Sowing rice - May 08

  • Fertilizing with nitrogen - June 11 100 lb./acre

  • Fertilizing with nitrogen - July 01 100 lb./acre

  • Flood to germinate - May 11

  • Separate harvesting. Mowing rice into rolls (20.09.21), threshing rolls September 23-24

For all experiment variants, 90 lbs/acre of 12-52-0 was applied before sowing, and 100 lb/acre of urea, top dressing with urea 100 lb/acre carried out in the tillering phase.

Sowing rate - 205-222 lb/acre.

Application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers treated with Nutricharge and EZ-N was performed before rice sowing (May 03). Nitrogen top dress during the germination and tillering phases.

The rice yield was taken into account on a plot basis with the obtained data to the standard indicators for purity (100%) and grain moisture (14%).

Research results

One of the conditions for ensuring the planned yield of rice is getting uniform shoots. Sowing with minimal incorporation of seeds and a shortened irrigation regime increases field germination of seeds. The use of agricultural practices to improve growth processes is the basis for increasing rice plants' productivity.

Nitrogen Sufficiency

The level of supply of plants with nitrogen nutrition helps indicate productivity.

The highest level of nitrogen supply in terms of the results of sheet diagnostics were observed on plot No. 4, 5 - 540-560 units, on plot No. 2, 3, the nitrogen supply was 490-520 units, and on the control showed the lowest values in the range of 420-437 units.


In general, the studied products Nutricharge and EZ-N had a positive effect on rice productivity (table).

The most significant increase in yield (15.08 bushels per acre) was obtained in plot No. 5 using 12-52-0 treated with NutriCharge and urea, processed by EZ-N introduced into the main reception and feeding


A significant effect of the treatment of 12-52-0 was also established modifier NutriCharge (plot No. 4) on rice yield, which exceeded the control variant by 12.21 bushels per acre.

There were no differences between the timing of the onset of phenological phases of rice plants during the growing season.


Application of NutriCharge and EZ-N to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers influenced the supply of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition to the plant, which affected the metabolic processes.

The studied agricultural practice made it possible to provide a statistically significant increase in rice yield. The highest value (28.9-35.7 bushel/acre) was obtained with

The use of NutriCharge and EZ-N together with growers standard fertilizer practice.

The studied agricultural practice has shown its effectiveness, which allows recommend it for use in rice-growing plants.

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